Martin Pailthorpe

Saving Planet Earth was a nine-part series on BBC1 that sought to capitalise on the success ofPlanet Earth, and to show what steps are being taken to protect some of the most vulnerable species on Earth.
For Martin's programme, he travelled to the Falkland Islands with Carol Thatcher to look atalbatross conservation.
Despite the apparently vast numbers they saw, Carol discovered that the population is declining at a steady 1% a year, and has been doing so for the past 20 years. Soon, the population could drop below the level where it is sustainable, and extinction will follow.
But the remedy is surprisingly simple. Most are killed by the hooks deployed by long-line fishing boats. If the fishermen can prevent the albatross from taking the hooks, the birds are saved, and their catch goes up - a win-win situation, but one that depends on education to spread the word.
Saving Planet Earth

We were invited to lunch!