Martin Pailthorpe

Case Histories - Post Production
I am also a proficient editor -
I have edited a number of my own programmes for broadcast, including
Monty Halls Great Escapes and Hungry Sailors.
I have my own laptop-based Avid Media Composer software, meaning that I can
also sit alongside an editor and do
rough cuts, sync compiles and simple
place-holder graphics sequences
(using Photoshop to provide
the elements), so help
make best use of
the editor's time.
I have always enjoyed the process of post produciton on my own films, but I have also done a number of jobs that involve edit producing -
Most recently, I have done a number of projects for TwoFour Productions, including:
Impossible Engineering (Yesterday) - as well as helping to set up one of the episodes, I edit- produced two programmes in the 6 part series, collaborating with the series producer, individual segment directors and researchers to get the best from the footage and stories.
What Happened Next (Discovery) - highly demanding clips and graphics based project that, on one occasion, saw me wrangling six separate episodes in 2 suites, all at different stages of the edit - scripting, overseeing exec's comments and changes, and preparing for post production, as well as trying to simplify scientific facts and deal with compliance and licensing issues arising from use of Social Media clips.
Body Invaders (Discovery) - series featuring impalations of one kind or another. Again overseeing multiple edits to weave together archive, graphics and first hand narrative.
For Diverse I edit produced the Iceland eisode of Man vs Wild, after the original director had been head hunted by Top Gear.