Martin Pailthorpe

Perfect Predators

The only injury we suffered on the whole production was when Scubazoo underwater cameraman Jason Isley got bitten on the elbow while trying to film a juvenile hammerhead in Hawaii!!!

Jimmy was a fantastic contributor who took us shark cage diving, and provided some memorable footage of dives he had done with Tiger and Great White sharks. Sadly he died in a base jumping accident a few months after we finished filming

Jason's picture of me in the shark cage. Needless to say, he was outside the cage when he took this!!!! These are Galapagos sharks, relatively benign, but Tigers and great Whites have been known to turn up here as well.

The only injury we suffered on the whole production was when Scubazoo underwater cameraman Jason Isley got bitten on the elbow while trying to film a juvenile hammerhead in Hawaii!!!
Perfect Predators was a two hour special for Discovery Channel's `Shark Week'.
It looked at the amazing predatory abilities of sharks, honed over hundreds of millions of years, and used cutting edge graphics to explain how they have developed sixth and seventh senses that we are only just beginning to understand.
The programme won the award for best network graphics and fx direction at the West region of the Royal Television Society.
One of the most memorable parts of the filming was working with Jimmy Hall - a Hawaii-based diver and film-maker who provided us with amazing footage of his encounters with Great Whitesand Tiger sharks.
Sadly Jimmy died a few months after we finished filming with him - base jumping on Baffin Island, in the Canadian Arctic.