Martin Pailthorpe

Monty Halls' Dive Mysteries

In January 2013 I teamed up with Monty Halls again to produce, direct and shoot two films in the C5 series `Monty Halls Dive Mysteries' (tx'd as `Monty Halls and the .....')
Monty Halls and the Divers' Graveyard investigated the Blue Hole, at Dahab, on Egypt's Red Sea coast. Locals estimate that over 100 people have died diving in the 400 foot sinkhole. Monty pieces together the reasons why so many people have perished, jst a few hundred feet away from the bustling tourist hotspot that has grown up alongside the hole.
First sight of the Arch
Through the Arch

In `Monty Halls and the Ghost Ship of Thunder Bay', Monty investigates the story of the Cornelia B Windiate, and almost perfectly preserved wreck sitting in 60 meters of water in Lake Huron. What led to her sinking in 1876, and why is she in such spectacular shape even after all these years.